elocution on the madness of the mobile phone
Owing newer technologies in communication, electronic devices such as mobile phone, computer, tablet, and other high-tech devices, have turned out as a best friend for many of us regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, career, and economic status. On the other hand, these devices are playing a vital role in causing behavioral addiction to an individual. Scientifically, such phone addiction is characterized as “mobile phone mania,” a state of socio-psychological illness, and it is clinically referred as “nomophobia” (No — Mobile — Phobia). There has been a considerable number of research studies reported on cell phone addiction, and its related health hazards.
Owing newer technologies in communication, electronic devices such as mobile phone, computer, tablet, and other high-tech devices, have turned out as a best friend for many of us regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, career, and economic status. On the other hand, these devices are playing a vital role in causing behavioral addiction to an individual. Scientifically, such (mobile) phone addiction is characterized as “mobile phone mania,” a state of socio-psychological illness, and it is clinically referred as “nomophobia” (No — Mobile — Phobia). There has been a considerable number of research studies reported on cell phone addiction, and its related health hazards. Those reports were extracted and presented in the following section.
Cell phone mania is due to over usage of smartphone, obviously due to the increasing number of cell phone models, multimedia facility, and services. As on today, a total number cellular subscription has been reached about 7 billion, which is almost closer to the population of earth. It seems that 90% of American owns cell phones; out of them, 58% are smartphones. The mobile consumer habit survey report for the year 2013 stated that 41% of Britons feel anxious when they disconnected from mobile phone and 51% admitted to suffer “extreme tech anxiety.” On gender comparison, 70% of women suffer from cell phone separation anxiety (nomophobia) while men have accounted for about 61%. The global scenario of cell phone connection is shown in Table 1. In some countries, the number of cell phone connections has exceeded the total population that indicating a replicate cell phone connection to an individual. It is a surprise report that 29% of mobile phone users have stated that their cell phone as “something they can't imagine living without.” Now-a-days, it has been noticed that usage of mobile as a routine practice during eating, walking, listening, driving, etc. Of course, a psychologist stated that mobile usage while driving is 6 times more dangerous than driving in alcohol drinks. In addition, many psychologists stated that an over usage of the cell phone has to be considered as “addiction” as similar as addiction to cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. In fact, cell phone abuse or addiction may be more dangerous than other addiction.