Elucidate the characteristics of Rorschach Inkblot Method
The Rorschach test is a psychologicaltest in which subjects' perceptions ofinkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both. Some psychologists use this testto examine a person's personalitycharacteristics and emotional functioning.
Rorschach Inkblot Test is the is the most commonly used projective psychological test. The test was first introduced in 1921 by a Swiss psychiatrist called Hermann Rorschach. It is based on the use of inkblots, which is where it acquired the name RT. The test wasn’t originally founded to be a projective test for personality. The original purpose of the test was to produce a profile of people suffering from mental disorders, like schizophrenia, based on the scoring. Even Rorschach himself was not completely satisfied with the idea of using the test as a projective test for personality.
At the simpler level, Rorschach is merely a problem solving task that portrays the psychological analysis of the subject. Also, it aids in figuring out the past and future behavior of the subject up to some degree. Although it takes quite a bit of imagination to procure a response, the basic process of the task is almost irrelevant with the imagination or creativity of the subjectThe final analysis of the Rorschach test is not just based on the contents of the response, in fact, it’s merely a small basis for the evaluation.
The time taken by the subject to respond to a certain card affects a great deal. For instance, if the subject takes longer time, then it could be analyzed as “shock” on the card.
The comments made by the subject on the card other than the intended response is also analyzed.
Determinants in the card, such as color, form, location, that lead to the trigger of response is also another important aspect, rather than the content itself.
Originality and popularity of responses are also regarded as the basic dimensions in the analysis.
Scoring Systems
Before 1969, Rorschach Inkblot test was evaluated using five primary scoring systems based on how people responded to the inkblots on the cards. Most used were the Beck and the Klopfer systems. But, in 1969, John E. Exner, Jr, compared all five systems and published the new testing mechanism.