Computer Science, asked by ommore2296, 8 months ago

Employee (Eid,Ename,Estreet,Ecity)

Company (Cid,Cname,Ccity)

WorksOn (Eid,Cid,Salary,DateofJoining)

1. Write the all DDL commands for a given schema?

2. How to add MobNo attribute in employee table and remove the MobNo from

employee table?

3. Define a check integrity constraint on salary that value must be between 5000

to 50000.

4. Explain the concept of referential integrity constraint for given schema.​


Answered by heripriya6


Fmkfkf like kckkckkc, dkdkfkdkxmckcldldlldkdkfkldlfldldlllfllflfkkrlrkfkf, g,gllglllkgkgklglglglgllflglglgllvlg,gllglllkgkgklglglglgllflglglgllvlglgllflglgl, gllglllkgkgklglglglgllflglglgllvlglgllflglgl, .gllglllkgkgklglglglgllflglglgllvlglgllflglgl. .gllglllkgkgklglglglgllflglglgllvlglgllflglgl. girl. .girl. flfllklkddd. flfllklkddd, .glfkx, gktititjmtrikdikeowititiitotootoitotitk, but, g,,g,g,g,g,,g,g,g,,g,f,,g,g,g,,t,g,,g,g,g,,g,g,g,,g,krktkr

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