Employee evaluations that use assessment by the employee, managers, peers and clients are called:
Whole employee evaluations
Full circle evaluations
360-degree evaluations
Complete evaluations
Key Points
Evaluating performance is the process of assessing an employee’s job performance and productivity.
Performance assessments can create benefits for management and employees through improving performance, but can also be a stressful, so they must be carefully implemented.
The assessment is conducted utilizing previously established criteria that align with the goals of the organization and the specific responsibilities of the employee being evaluated.
There are many methods of performance evaluation, such as objective production, personnel, and judgmental evaluation.
Effective use of performance-evaluation systems includes the selection of the best evaluation method(s) and effective delivery. The outcomes of performance evaluation can include employee raises or promotions, as well as employee improvement through identifying weaknesses.
Key Terms
Performance evaluation: The process of assessing an employee’s job performance and productivity.
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