English, asked by Vitasta39, 1 year ago

Empowering masses in the speech of dr Kalam on the role of youth in realising the dream s of dr Kalam


Answered by upenderjoshi28
                           Role of Youth in Realising Dr. Kalam's Dreams

John Kennedy’s inspiring words of his inaugural speech: ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country’ are the most relevant words in reminding the contemporary youth as to what their duties towards their country are. Dr. Kalam had three visions for India. The first was FREEDOM. Dr. Kalam appealed to all the Indians, especially the youth, to protect, nurture and build on her freedom to be respected by the entire world.

His second vision for India was DEVELOPMENT. He contributed greatly to India’s Missile Development Programs, Space Exploration, Atomic Energy and in many other ways. He also wanted the youth of India to do the same to make India a fully developed nation. Dr. Kalam’s third vision was India standing up to the world.  

If our country is to be brought out of the shackles of slow rate of development, scientific and technological impasse, and the mire of corruption, the youth force is required. It was the self-effacing and dedicated youth force that led our mother land out of the darkness of political and social slavery during the reign of colonialism. Unless the youth take responsibility in raising voice against the rampant ills, they are not going to be overcome.

The youth can serve the motherland best by dedicating themselves to her. They can do so by resolving to contribute to her development instead of going abroad after their education. They can be the vanguards in many of the campaigns such as Swach Bharat Abhiyan, Anti-Corruption Forum, Scientific and Literary Societies. The Indian youth must realize their responsibilities to the nation and take active part in her developmental activities. Looking upon Dr. Kalam as their role-model, the youth must endeavour to make his visions for India true.   


Answered by Sudhalatwal
                    Role of Youth in Realizing Dr. Kalam's Dream

Dr. Kalam had a vision about his motherland and though he is not amongst us, it's our duty to strive to realize he dream. He stood out tall among all the politicians and diplomats and his love and trust in the ability of  youth always headed him among students. Even he breathed his last while he was addressing students. If we are to make his dream come true, we need to live up to his standards.

He expressed his views about India being a free country should stand up to the world. To stand up to the world, first we need to resolve the issues that weaken our country. Fighting for equal rights, we need to establish a society where every individual lives with dignity and for that it is necessary and we uproot corruption which has made our systems and their functioning hollow. 

Empowerment of women and unprivileged and employment opportunities for all should be ensured so that they can come out of the shackles which kept them bound and weak for years.  We must find jobs within our country and solve the problem of brain drain. In no case, and for no reason youth should be tempted to find and job and settle in other countries for merely a 'better quality of life'. 

Unity and harmony within the country and across the borders can make possible his dreams. In the post, business and Indian economy has advanced considerably due to better understanding with other nations in the matter of business and trade   enabling foreign investment in the country.

If we can bring Dr. Kalam's dream into reality, that will be true service to the nation and true tribute that the great son of Mother India.. 
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