Biology, asked by drtharape, 5 months ago

encystation is seen in which organism.explain the process is that a type of spore formation


Answered by SaikKarthikcm


…periods many amoebas survive by encystment: the amoeba becomes circular, loses most of its water, and secretes a cyst membrane that serves as a protective covering. When the environment is again suitable, the envelope ruptures, and the amoeba emerges.



Mycobacterium tuberculosis

In bacteria: Sporulation

Cysts are thick-walled structures produced by dormant members of Azotobacter, Bdellovibrio (bdellocysts), and Myxococcus (myxospores). They are resistant to desiccation and other harmful conditions but to a lesser degree than are endospores. In encystment by the nitrogen-fixing Azotobacter, cell division is followed by the formation…



African lungfish

In dormancy: Protozoans

…stage by secreting a protective cyst. The stimulus for cyst formation in free-living protozoans may be temperature changes, pollution, or lack of food or water. Euglena, a protozoan that encysts to avoid environmental extremes, has two kinds of cysts. Apparently one is formed only to avoid stressful conditions; the other…


Dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans (magnified).

In protozoan: Adaptations

…to adverse environmental conditions by encysting: they secrete a thick, tough wall around themselves and effectively enter a quiescent state comparable to hibernation. The ability to form a resistant cyst is widespread among diverse protistan groups and probably developed early in their evolutionary history. Resting cysts also are easily carried…

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