Endangered birds in india and where they live and th measures
Great Indian Bustard
The Great Indian Bustard is a most endangered species of bird found only in India and adjoining region. Bustard is one of the largest flying species of bird with weight up to 15 kg and about 1 m tall from the ground. The largest land bird habitat in the scrub, tall grass,semi-arid grasslands and semi desert regions of Rajasthan.
Due to heavily hunting and habitat loss, the bird is disappearing from the many regions of India, Its state bird of Rajasthan. There is a wildlife sanctuary called Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary at Solapur, Maharashtra.
Red Headed Vulture
The Red-headed Vulture is also known as Indian Black Vulture or King Vulture is one of the species of Old World vultures found in the Indian Subcontinent. Due to the Diclofenac in veterinary medicine population of this species become extremely less in recent years.
Indian Vulture, Slender-billed Vulture and White rumped Vulture are the few more species of vultures found in India and falls in the category of critically endangered species of birds.
Forest Owlet
Forest Owlet is the highly endangered species of the typical owls family and endemic to forests of central India. Small Forest Owlet was considered extinct but later rediscovered and small number population make this species critically endangered in India.
Melghat Tiger Reserve,Taloda Forest Range and forest area of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are best place to located these small jungle owl. Forest Owlet is the state bird of Maharashtra now.
Spoon Billed Sandpiper
Spoon Billed Sandpiper is the world’s most threatened bird species and fall in the category of critically endangered in India too. Extremely small population,habitat loss and loss of breeding grounds takes spoon-billed sandpiper chicks on the verge of extinction. Main wintering grounds in India are delta of Sundervan and neighbouring countries.