English, asked by ashwinishirahatti268, 3 months ago

1) Write what is Aipan Art. Describe the origin of Aipan Art and write briefly about
different forms of Aipan Art.​


Answered by shaikhamaan429p8rbsg

Aipan art also know as Aepan art or Alpana art which is popular art form of kumaon. Walls, papers and pieces of clothes are decorated by the drawing of various geometric and other figures belonging to god, goddess and objects of nature. Pichhauras or dupatta are also decorated in this manner. At the time of Harela there is a tradition of making clay idols (Dikaras). Aipan art is an art which has a special place in Kumaoni homes.

The word ''Aepan'' is a derivative of ''Arpan''. A commonly word used for it is ''Likhai'' (writing), although it is a pattern made with the fingers. Aepan are used as ritual design for pujas, festivals and ceremonies connected with birth, janeu (the sacred thread ceremony), marriage and death.

The raw material used is simple ochre (Geru) colour and rice paste. It is mostly women who paint the designs on the walls and floors of their homes using the last three fingers of the right hand. Once the ochre is ready the artist draws the pattern free hand.

There are many different form of Aipan art are as follows:

1.) Chamunda Hast Chowki

2.) Nav Durga Chowki

3.) Shiv or Shivarchan Pee th

4.) The Surya Darshan Chowki

5.) Janeyu Chowki

6.) Asan Chowki

7.) Dhuli Arghya Chowki

8.) Acharya Chowki

9.) Durga Thapa

10.) Jyoti Patta

11.) Lakshmi Yantra




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