English, asked by maratimalleshmaratim, 8 months ago

English 1st lesson choreography script on the snake and the mirror​


Answered by insharatahir227



It is a story of a homeopathic doctor’s encounter with a snake. The doctor lived in a small rented room which was an outhouse. It had two windows and a tiled roof. The tiles were supported by gables which rested on the beam and there was no electricity supply to the room. The place was infested with rats.

One hot summer night, the doctor took his meals at the restaurant and returned home. He lighted the kerosene lamp, took off his coat and shirt and opened the two windows. He settled on the chair and took out a medical book to read. There was a large mirror on the table on which stood a lamp. Since it was too hot to sleep, and he had nothing better to do, he sat down in front of the mirror, admiring himself, planning to improve his appearance as he was an eligible bachelor. Gradually, his thoughts shifted from self-admiration to planning his future marriage. He thought that he would marry a rich doctor having a good practice and that he would choose a fat lady as his wife so that she would not be able to run and catch him.

He was so engrossed in his day dreaming that he did not give much importance to the sudden silence. The rats had stopped scampering and there was a sound of something falling behind him. But he was slow to react. By the time he turned around to have a look, a snake had wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on his shoulders. It coiled around his left arm, above the elbow. It was a dangerous cobra and its hood spread out, hardly three inches from his face.The doctor sat there like a stone statue, afraid to move, lest the snake may strike. He thought of various medicines he had and if any was good enough to save him if the snake did bite him.

In this moment of fear of death, (he realized the presence of God). God had punished him for being too proud and arrogant. He realized that he was but a mere human, a poor man, nothing to boast about.

The moment he accepted his true worth, the snake crawled off and sat on the table in front of the mirror.The doctor got up silently and rushed out of the door. Next morning when he returned, all his belongings had been robbed but for his dirty vest which was too dirty even for the thief.

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