English, asked by raaghavnaidu4103, 1 year ago

English article respected girls


Answered by playerPN


I will tell you article by inboxing you but plz first mark as branliest answer plz I need your help plz I need only one marking to reach at virtuoso league

Answered by AaditiRaj


I believe that a society where its women do not feel secure and respected is not worth calling a society. Crimes like rape, domestic violence and trafficking have increased over time and the word respect is ebbing. Trafficking of women has raised a big concern and has destroyed many life .I live in a country where, according to statistical data, a rape happens every 20 minutes. Men have misused their dominance and power and responsibility has not been taken.

But what makes these men act like this? What make them think that they have the right to do the evil things to women? Well, I think it is there perception that makes them commit these heinous crimes. They tend to look at things in every negative manner possible and because of their way of thinking and perception, they haunt the women around them and Pierce their lives with fear. I believe that it all depends on perception. First we built our perception then our perception build us. The kind of perception we create in our minds, the same kind of person we end up begin.

I believe that if wrong perception is the disease, then building the right perception is the cure. Different creative ways should be applied to spread awareness on this sensitive issues and teach the male population to respect women.

Hope it will help you.

Please mark me as BRAINLIEST.

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