English asay each one tree one
tree is a very important thing in our life. tree gives us oxygen to breathe and takes in in carbon dioxide for its preparation of food. tree gives us fruits vegetables and food to eat and survive. tree provide us Timber and firewood. Timber is necessary for building houses making furniture building buses truck Railways Carriers ship. paper the most essential thing of modern civilization is made from wood pulp. firewood a contribution of the forest is necessary for cooking food especially in rural area. tree on the either side of the river control the servert of flood. if there is a thick forest cover on the other side with trees it will check the spread of flood water and stop doing any damage to the agriculture and human habitation.
the trees absorb carbon dioxide left by the living beings factories , vehicles , etc. and the keep the atmosphere clean. besides plants or trees causes rainfall. they help the rain water sink into the soil and increase the underground water sources. thus they save us from drought.
if there were no forest there would be no rain on earth and that would be turned into a desert land without any living being on it.