English email about complaint about electricity email
The Complaint Officer.
Reliance Energy
Tlak Nagar, Road No. 3
Chembur, Mumbai- 400 089.
RefOur Customer ID No 101931890 & Mcterno 6962127
Anaur lalest hill enclasal wilh this letler
Suh:- Repzarsding Excesa Bil simaA Monhs
I am geting a very excess bill that is above Rs. S00- since 4 months.
The bill appcars to be inflated as I know for certain that our consumption of electricity is not so high as to warrant
such a high bill. Our all previous bills were in between Rs. 300-to 400
I request yo to please look in this matter seriously nd send your person to check weather somebody is doing theft
of electicty from our meter or the meter is auty. Please inton us the reason why amgetting so much excess bill
and when are you going to send your person to check our meter
I appreciate if this matter of unfair excess billıing is resolved at the earliest.
Waiting for your immediate action.
Thanking you
Yours faithfuly.
Mr. Bcchan Badak Prajapati