English grade 8th mcqs
CHAPTERS: Questions are mixed from some chapters
Q1.The narrator found a shallow space below a secret drawer when he
(a) pulled out the first drawer
(b) began to mend the desk
(c) pulled out the last drawer
(d) had finished working
Q2.What is the “best Christmas present in the world”?
(a) Jim’s letter
(b) Jim’s return
(c) Jim’s present
(d) Jim’s picture
Q3.Almas Javed, the 10 year old girl was saved
(a) because of her father who had sensed the danger
(b) by her mother and aunts who stood clinging to a coconut tree
(c) by a log of wood floating in the water
(d) by a policeman
Q4.Chuni Lai came to visit Bepin Babu again and again because
(a) he was his old friend
(b) it was his custom
(c) he wanted to borrow some money
(d) he wanted him to help him get a job
Q5.Question 1.
The Great Stone Face was
(a) just close to Ernest’s Cottage
(b) miles away from it
(c) behind the cottage
(d) in front of the cottage
Q6.The business community welcomed the British because
(a) they liked Europeans
(b) they disliked their own countrymen
(c) the British rule had brought a degree of peace
(d) they were afraid of the British