English, asked by marut2096, 4 months ago

English has without a (a)__________
become the second language of Europe and the world. European
countries which have most (b)___________
assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in
Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the (c)__________
of Scandanavia.
The situation is so (d)______________
that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be (e)____________
of the pressure
of English on daily life: television, radio and print (f)____________
it into every home and the schoolyard (g)__________
of children; advertisers use it to (h)_________
up their message, journalists take refuge in it
when their home-bred skills (i)____________
them. Increasingly one hears the (j)_______£_£
that Dutch
will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations.
(1) question
(2) doubt
(3) problem
(4) thought
(1) successfully
(2) victorious
(3) successful
(4) lucrative
(1) rest
(2) additional
(3) remaining
(4) extra
(1) plain
(2) open
(3) blatant
(4) marked
(1) ignorant
(2) aware
(3) oblivious
(4) acquainted
(1) guide
(2) bring
(3) shift
(4) haul
(1) conversation
(2) head-to-head
(3) consultation
(4) dialogue
(1) life
(2) energy
(3) enthusiasm
(4) pep
(1) succeed
(2) fall
(3) fail
(4) fizzle
(1) feeling
(2) posture
(3) judgement
(4) view


Answered by JohnMilton


a) questions

b) successful

c) rest

d) marked

e) acquainted

f) shift

g) conversation

h) life

I) succeed

j) judgement


plz mark this as brainliest answer plz plz plz plz plz plz

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