English, asked by dalalhimanshu30, 8 months ago

English Language & Literature 9
The following passage has not been edited. There is an e
given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space
word that you have supplied.
is an error in each of the lin
the space provided. P
(a) .
Since the tree dwelling creatures can't
require as many their sense
of smell as the sense on sight, the
nose has lost its important while the
eyes has developed a stereoscopic
vision. On account of there keen eyesight,
these animals would discriminate
between a shapes and sizes of objects.​


Answered by AyvanEers


Incorrect Correct

Many Much

On Of

Important Importance

Has Have

Discriminate Differentiate

Hope it helps!

Answered by karanmohanty2009



a- can't to don't

b- as to and

c- important to importance

d- has to have

e- there to their

f- would to could

there r many other errors too in the passage.

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