english paragraph on diffrent age groups using social media
Like other aspects of digital, the rate of change in social media – its forms, its platforms, its uses – is growing at an exponential rate. One of the consequences of this trend is an increasing rate of behavioural change amongst new web users. For this reason, we see a far greater variation within generational age groups towards the lower end of the scale.
Amongst younger millennials, we can clearly see the emergence of two key trends. Firstly, those aged 18-24 are showing a far stronger tendency than their older peers towards using image-led social media. According to a recent survey by Harvard IOP – How Millennials Use Social Media (2015) – 51% of those aged 18-24 use Instagram, vs. 34% of 25-29-year-olds. The disparity in Snapchat use is even more pronounced, at 42% to 20% in the younger group’s favour.
This isn’t to say that Facebook and Twitter are falling off the face of the Earth – in fact, these relative antiques also enjoy higher uptake amongst younger millennials, though the disparity in usage is smaller (Facebook use is 83% vs 82%; Twitter use is 43% vs 35%). This presents us with our next key finding: that social media use is more widespread and platform spread is greater amongst younger millennials.
What to do with this information? The first, and perhaps the most important point is that Snapchat and Instagram need to play a part in your social strategy – especially is your target audience falls within the late millennial age range. To this end, there are several options at your disposal. You might:
• Engage agencies specialising in Instagram and Snapchat, who can deliver or support your work
• Factor Instagram and Snapchat into the ongoing training of your existing team members
• Hire junior staff who are active users of the relevant social media. You might consider people with established and widely-followed Instagram profiles as especially suitable candidates.
• Download the apps onto your own phone and start using them. If you’re going to communicate with customers using a certain channel, you should surely have some idea of the user’s experience. There’s no better way to gain that insight than to become a user yourself. Even if you’re a generation or two removed from the average Snapchatter, what better excuse to wind up your kids/nephews/nieces/etc.?
Now to address our second key learning – that younger millennials are using a greater variety of social media. One of the toughest challenges of marketing to a multi-channel audience is keeping track of interactions on a channel-by-channel basis – especially if you want to market programmatically.
The preferred solution to this problem is to create a single customer view (SCV), in which data on every channel you use is compiled into a single analytics interface. This will allow you to view all of your marketing activity on a customer-by-customer basis, to spot trends and interplay across channels, and ultimately to deliver strategically airtight omnichannel marketing.
Another important point to consider across the full millennial age group is the importance of what some marketers refer to as “dark social” – which simply means social media interactions we can’t measure, like instant messages sent through apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
Dark social is problematic because it’s much harder to understand the value of dark social engagement than it is to measure, say, the conversion rate of a marketing email. In this sense, dark social bears some similarity harder-to-measure marketing methods like TV advertising and billboard campaigns.
Digital marketers have come up with a few decent ideas on how to work out the value and volume of your dark social traffic, largely based around taking more holistic approaches to measurement. Add tags to the landing page URLs you distribute on social, try to identify a correlation between successful social campaigns and spikes in your direct traffic, and most importantly of all, be aware that dark social is a factor in your social marketing performance.
Like the Millennials before them, Generation Z are clearly leaning towards image-led social platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. We refer you back to our advice from the previous section on improving your Snapchat/Insta capabilities.
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