English, asked by shyamnarayand345, 5 months ago

English please anawer correctly please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

Write the meaning of given idioms and make 5 sentences from each.

Idiom: An idiom is a common phrase which means something different from its literal meaning but can be understood because of their popular use.

1. In black and white
2. Black sheep
3. to meet you halfway
4. to make both ends meet
5. won laurels
6. plays fast and loose
7. turning a deaf ear
8. by hook or by crook
9. to pay off old scores
10. on and off
11. put a spoke in wheel
12. at my fingers' ends
13. turned over a new leaf
14. call in question
15. through thick and thin
16. sitting on the fence
17. strained every nerve
18. at sixes and seven
19. hoping against hope
20. hit the nail on the head
21. nipped in bud
22. out of question
23. long and short of it
24. ended in smoke
25. left no stone unturned
26. ins and outs
27.beyond all question
28. out of question
29. at a stretch
30. fits and starts​


Answered by pubglr420

on your phone mat kariyega and have to do that but the problem and it would make sure


jai of your email to confirm your appointment on your own personal and I don't want a lot

Answered by sunbeam15


the way I could do with me for my family and friends that have a nice time in a while and please mark as well

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