english translation full
एक जंगल में बहुत से सियार रहते थे। एक दिन एक सियार एक बाग में गया। वहाँ वह
नीले पानी से भरे एक टब में गिर गया। जब वह वापस आया तो उसने अपने साथियों से कहा,
"भगवान ने मुझे तुम्हारा राजा बनाकर भेजा है, मेरी आज्ञा मानो ।'
कुछ दिन बाद एक बूढ़े सियार ने कहा, "हम सब मिलकर चिल्लाएँ।" यह सुनकर सब
सियार चिल्लाने लगे। उनका चिल्लाना सुनकर नीला सियार भी चिल्लाने लगा। यह देख कर
सब सियार उस पर झपटे और उसे मार डाला।
Once upon a time in the jungle there was living a lion. One day he went to the park. There he slip on the blue water tub. When he return back so he told his friends that God has made me the king so follow my rules. After some days an old lion says that we all will raise our voices. All of them roar. When they roar so the king lion also roar. After seeing this all the lions attack on the king and he died.
Explanation:A lot of jackals lived in a forest. One day a jackal went into a garden. There he
Fell into a tub full of blue water. When he came back he said to his companions,
"God has sent me to be your king, to obey me."
A few days later an old Siyar said, "We all shout together." Hearing it all
The jackals started screaming. Listening to their shouting, blue jackal also started shouting. Seeing this
All the jackals blazed over him and killed him.