English Worksheet for class ‐8– September 2020
A Visit to Cambridge
Meanings : astrophysicist = an astronomer who deal with stars and planets etc –जो खगोल शा˓ का
अȯयन करतेहœ; buoyant = cheerful and optimistic – ŮसɄिचत; torso = upper part of the body;
incandescence = the throwing of light from a hot body; inflection = a change in pitch or tone of the
voice; cliché = a word or more words used over and over again that it loses its charm eg I lost track
of time, time is a great healer; claustrophobic = fear of being in a closed space; this word is also
used where you can’t speak with openness. घुटन होना; metaphor = इसी मतलब वालेदुसरेशɨ ; best
seller = a book that gets sold in large numbers.
1. Answer the following questions: (for regular students)‐C.W‐ 11.9.20
a Who is Stephen Hawking? Write a few sentences on him.
b. Who was Firdaus kanga?
c. What is the scientist’s message for the disabled?
d. The writer expresses his gratitude for Stephen Hawking. What is his gratitude for?
e. Was the writer nervous about meeting Stephen Hawking? If so, why?
f. Did the writer feel excited about meeting him, why? Write a few sentences on him.
g. What did the author do after completing the walking tour of Cambridge?
h. Explain this line – Surely, I wanted to say, living creatively with the reality of his
disintegrating body was a choice?
i. Why did the author feel guilty of asking questions to Hawking?
j. What did Hawking get to know about people when he got disabled?
k. What did the author feel about his disability after meeting Hawking?
l. Was Hawking happy to meet the author? How do you know?
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Hi how are you in Cambridge I am your old friend
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