English, asked by StrongGirl, 7 months ago

______ enhances power, capacity, and flexibility? A) pranayama B) surya namaskara C) swadhya D) none of them


Answered by PADMINI

Surya namaskar enhances power, capacity, and flexibility.

  • Surya Namaskar means salute to the sun. Generally, there are 12 steps of Surya namaskars. 12 sets of Surya Namaskar is equal to 288 yoga poses. 

  • Prayer Pose, Raised Arms pose, Hand to Foot pose, Equestrian pose, Stick pose, Saluting with eight points pose, Cobra pose, Mountain pose, Equestrian pose, Hand to foot pose, Raised Arms to pose are different Surya namaskar.

  • Surya namaskar improves blood circulation, it enhances power, capacity, and flexibility. It also helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
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