Enlist notable air pollution disasters. Write in detail about any one.
Major forms of pollution include: Air pollution, light pollution, littering, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, water pollution.
(i) Radioactive pollution can occur due to two
reasons such as natural and artificial.
(ii) UV and IR are natural radiations, whereas X-rays
and radiations from atomic energy plants are
(iii) Chernobyl, Windscale and Three Miles Island
incidences are the major mishaps of the present
(iv) Effects of radiations:
(a) Cancerous ulceration occur due to higher
radiations of X-rays.
(b) Tissues in the body are destroyed.
(c) Genetic changes occur.
(d) Vision is adversely affected.
*(3) Write the types and examples of b