Biology, asked by vivek6997, 11 months ago

Enlist the general characters of pteridophyta with two examples


Answered by aradhya1758
1)they are found in cool , damp,shady places though some may flourish well in sandy soil conditions 2)dominant phase is sporophyte 3)plant body is differentiated into true stem,leaves and roots 4)leaflets and leaves having sporangia are called sporophylls. 5)spores germinate to give rise to photosynthetic thalloid
Some main examples of pteridophytes are: Fern , Marslica , Arolla , Horsetails , Club mosses etc.
Answered by Anonymous

➧Subkingdom Cryptogamae divided into three groups:-▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃⤵

❶❫ Thallophyta:-        ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☟

①❭ Plants body remains in the form of Undifferentiated.

②❭ Vascular System is Absent.

③❭ Mode of nutrition is Phototrophic & Autotrophic.

④❭ Reproduction is both Sexual & Asexual.

⑤❭ Asexual reproduction takes place by Spore formation.

⑥❭ Fertilization is not followed by Embryo formation.

▶Ex:- Spirogyra, Ulva, Fucus, Volvax & Chara

❷❫ Bryophyta:-     ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☟

①❭ Plant body is not differentiated into true roots, steam & leaves.

②❭ Non-vascular plant are not developed.

③❭ Fixation by rhzoids.

④❭ Gametophyte are the main plant.

⑤❭ They are the first & Simplest land plants.

⑥❭ Water is required for fertilization.

▶Ex:- Funaria, Riccia, Anthoceros, Notothylus & Sphagnum

❸❫ Pteridophyta:-     ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☟

①❭ Plant body is differentiated into true roots, steam & leaves.

②❭ Vascular plant are developed.

③❭ Fixation by roots.

④❭ Sporophyte are the main plant.

⑤❭ They are the first truly Terrestrial & vascular cryptogams.

⑥❭ Water is needed for fertilization.

▶Ex:- Azolla, Dryopteris, Marsilea, Lycopodium & Equisetum

___________                Thanks...✊
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