Biology, asked by aadityanthakare2003, 3 months ago

Enlist the name of digestive disorder,(long answer)​


Answered by ssushanth596


please answer as brainlist


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Heartburn happens, but if it occurs regularly, you may need to be evaluated for GERD. ...

Chronic Diarrhea. Diarrhea: it's never the topic of polite conversation, but when it happens, it's impossible to ignore. ...

Chronic Constipation. ...

Gastroenteritis. ...

Ulcers. ...


Answered by shanmugavelanbunithi


1)Gastero Oesophagus Reflex Disorder

2) Ingestion

3) Constipation

4) Vomiting

5) Appendicitis

6) Hiatus hernia

7) Diarrhoea

8)Peptic Ulcer.

Intestinal tract is more prone to bacterial, viral and parasitic worm infections. This infection may cause inflammation of the inner lining of the colon cause colitis. The most common symptoms of colitis are rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

1) Indigestion:

It is a digestive disorder in which the food is not properly digested leading to a feeling of fullness of stomach. It may be due to inadequate enzyme secretion and anxiety, food poisoning, over eating and spicy food.

2) Constipation

In this condition the faeces are retained within the rectum because of irregular bowel movement due to poor intake of fibre in the diet and lack of physical activities.

3) Vomiting

It is reverse peristalsis.Harmful substances and contaminated food from stomach are ejected through the mouth.This action is controlled by the vomit centre located in the medulla oblongata.A feeling of nausea precedes vomiting.

4) Appendicitis:

It is the inflammation of the vermi form appendix,leading to severe abdominal pain,The treatment involves the removal of appendix by surgery.If the treatment is delayed the appendix may rupture and results in the infection of the abdomen called peritonitis.

5) Hiatus hernia (Diaphragmatic hernia)

It is a structural abnormality in which superior part of the stomach protrudes slightly above the diaphragm. The exact cause of hiatus hernia is not known. In some people injury or other damage may weaken muscle tissue, by applying too much pressure (repeatedly) on the muscles around the stomach while coughing,vomiting and straining during bowel movement and lifting heavy object. Heart burn is also common in those with a hiatus hernia. In this condition stomach contents travel back into the oesophagus or even into the oral cavity and causes pain in the centre of the chest due to the eroding nature of acidity.

6) Diarrhoea:

It is the most common gastrointestinal disorder worldwide. It is sometimes caused by bacteria or viral infections through food or water.When the colon is infected, the lining of the intestine is damaged by the pathogens thereby the colon is unable to absorb fluid.The abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge is known as diarrhoea. Unless the conditions treated,dehydration can occur.Treatment is known as oral rehydration therapy.This involves drinking plenty of fluids,sipping small amounts of water at a time to rehydrate the body.

7) Peptic Ulcer:

It refers to an eroded area of the tissue lining (mucosa)in the stomach or duodenum. Duodenal ulcer occurs in people in the age group of 25-45 years. Gastric ulcer is more common in persons above the age of 50 years. Ulcer is mostly due to infections caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It may also be caused due to uncontrolled usage of aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory drugs. Ulcer may also be caused due to smoking , alcohol, caffeine and psychological stress.

8)Gastero Oesophagus Reflex Disorder

If the cardiac sphincter does not contract properly during the churning action of the stomach the gastric juice with acid may flow back into the oesophagus and cause heart burn, resulting in GERD.

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