Social Sciences, asked by harman867, 1 year ago

enlist various energy resources ,their advantages and disadvantages


Answered by anishkumar70

• Burns clean compared to cola, oil (less polluting)
• 70% less carbon dioxide compared to other fossil fuels
• helps improve quality of air and water (not a pollutant)
• does not produce ashes after energy release
• has high heating value of 24,000 Btu per pound
• inexpensive compared to coal
• no odor until added

• not a renewable source
• finite resource trapped in the earth (some experts disagree)
• inability to recover all in-place gas from a producible deposit because of
unfavorable economics and lack of technology (It costs more to recover
the remaining natural gas because of flow, access, etc.)

–Other information
• 5,149.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserve left (more than oil but
less than coal)
• 23.2% of total consumption of natural gas is in the United States.

• Provides water for 30-30% of the world’s irrigated land
• Provides 19% of electricity
• Expands irrigation
• Provides drinking water
• Supplies hydroelectric energy (falling water used to run turbines)
• Easier for third world countries to generate power (if water source is available)
• It is cheaper Cons
• Destabilizes marine ecosystems
• Water wars (up river and down river; e.g., the water war between
Georgia, Alabama, and Florida is ongoing)
• Dam building is very costly
• People have to relocate
• Some dams have to be torn down (Some older ones are not stable.)
• Restricted to areas with flowing water
• Pollution affects water power
• Flooding of available land that could be used for agriculture.

• Oil is one of the most abundant energy resources
• Liquid form of oil makes it easy to transport and use
• Oil has high heating value
• Relatively inexpensive
• No new technology needed to use

• Oil burning leads to carbon emissions.
• Finite resources (some disagree)
• Oil recovery processes not efficient enough—technology needs to be
developed to provide better yields
• Oil drilling endangers the environment and ecosystesm
• Oil transportation (by ship) can lead to spills, causing environmental and
ecological damage (major oil spill near Spain in late Fall 2002)
• The world consumes more than 65 billion barrels of petroleum each day.
By 2015 the consumption will increase to 99 billion barrels per day.
• Fossil fuels such as oil take billions of years to form.
• In 1996, the Energy Information Administration estimates of crude oil
reserves were 22 billio nbarrels. In 1972, the estimate was 36.3 billion
• Cost of oil has dropped since 1977. It was $15 per barrel then. It was $5
at the time the authors wrote the book.

• Clear power with no atmospheric emissions
• Useful source of energy
• Fuel can be recycled
• Low cost power for today’s consumption
• Viable form of energy in countries that do not have access to other forms of fuel Cons .
• Potential of high risk disaster (Chernobyl)
• Waste produced with nowhere to put it
• Waste produced from nuclear weapons not in use
• Earthquakes can cause damage and leaks at plants
• Contamination of the environment (long term)
• Useful lifetime of a nuclear power plant.
• Plant construction is highly politicized.

• Continuous sources of energy
• Clean source of energy
• No emissions into the atmosphere
• Does not add to thermal burden of the earth
• Produces no health-damaging air pollution or acid rain
• Land can be sued to produce energy and grow crops simultaneously
• Economical
• Benefits local communities (jobs, revenue)
• For most locations, wind power density is low
• Wind velocity must be greater than 7 mph to be usable in most areas
• Problem exists in variation of power density and duration (not reliable)
• Need better ways to store energy
• Land consumption

• One of the most abundant energy sources
• Versatile; can be burned directly, transformed into liquid, gas, or feedstock
• Inexpensive compared to other energy sources
• Good for recreational use (charcoal for barbequing, drawing)
• Can be used to produce ultra-clean fuel
• Can lower overall amount of greenhouse gases (liquification or
• Leading source of electricity today
• Reduces dependence on foreign oil
• By-product of burning (ash) can be used for concrete and roadways Cons
• Source of pollution: emits waste, SO2 , Nitrogen Oxide, ash
• Coal mining mars the landscape
• Liquification, gasification require large amounts of water.
• Physical transport is difficult
• Technology to process to liquid or gas is not fully developed
• Solid is more difficult to burn than liquid or gases
• Not renewable in this millennium
• High water content reduces heating value
• Dirty industry—leads to health problems
• Dirty coal creates more pollution and emissions
o Two types of coal—low rank (pollutes more), and high rank

harman867: thankyou so much
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