Science, asked by jforjazz2823, 9 months ago

Enlist verbal and non-verbal skills and briefly explain with examples any three from each category.


Answered by gauravprakash231


The voice’Speak with a clear volume and take care of your pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Provide variety in your intonation and speak in a calm manner. Concentrate on your breathing while speaking. This avoids a hasty impression.Further, avoid filler words, such as ‘yes’,’ uhm’ and ‘so’, and definitely don’t sigh after a question. Use short and simple sentences, finish your sentences and stick to the structure of the job interview.Always look on the bright side of lifeAlways be positive when telling your story. Don’t tell just what went wrong in previous experiences, but also discuss how you solved issues and which lessons you learned while doing so. Always be honest in your answers and always emphasize the positive!Beware! You know more than your recruiter. Remember that the recruiter may not have the same background as you. He or she is not a technical specialist and may not have the same knowledge and experience. So don’t try to be the all-knowing professor during the job interview.Provide thorough answers but avoid the small technical details. Distinguish between main and side issues. If something is not clear then the recruiter will ask additional questions.Do you have any questions for us? Yes, of course you still have questions! Prepare some interesting questions about the company and your specific position prior to the job interview. This will emphasize your interest in the company in your position.Try to avoid open questions and questions to which you could find the answer on the website or somewhere else. Also provide example answers. This way you can make it easier for the recruiter and you can showcase your vision.Thank you! Thank the recruiter for the invitation and his or her time and walk out in a decent way.

Be aware that you may still be watched, so keep your dance of joy or your frustrations for a later time.5 + 5 = 12!

Take care of your verbal and nonverbal communication during your job interview. The natural and subtle interplay between these two forms of communication is crucial to make a reliable impression.

For example, you can hardly claim that you have an open personality when you are holding your arms crossed during the entire interview. And you will not be credible when you are avoiding eye contact with every answer.

Nonverbal communication makes up a large part of our communication. Therefore body language will determine to a large extent the impression you will leave behind after a job interview.

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