Enrichment Activity
following unifying principles of Biology
1. Call theory
2. Gene theory
3. Homeostasis
This is AlfkenZa Black Wolf here answering the question..
1. In Biology , cell theory is the historic , scientific theory that is widely accepted .
Living organisms are made up of cells that they are basic functional unit of all organiams .
This is the Cell theory.
2. Gene theory is the idea that genes are the basic units in which characteristics are passed
from one generation to the next of same parents .
Genes themselves are units of HEREDITY.
Gene theory provides basis for understanding how genes enable parents to transmit traits
to their offspring.
3. Homeostatis is the ability to maintain a relatively stable state that persists despite in the
world outside . All living organisms from plants to people must regulate their internal
environment to process energy . This is the Homeostasis.
The Cell Theory
The cell is the basic unit of structure and function of all organisms. The Cell Theory states that all living things are made of one or more cells, or the secretions of those cells, such as the organisms shown in Figure below. For example, shell and bone are built by cells from substances that they secrete into their surroundings. Cells come from cells that already exist, that is, they do not suddenly appear from nowhere. In organisms that are made of many cells (called multicellular organisms), every cell in the organism's body derives from the single cell that results from a fertilized egg.
Gene Theory
An organism's traits are encoded in their DNA, the large molecule, or macromolecule, that holds the instructions needed to build cells and organisms. DNA makes up the genes of an organism. Traits are passed on from one generation to the next by way of these genes. Information for how the organism appears and how its cells work come from the organism’s genes. Although the appearance and cell function of the organism may change due to the organism’s environment, the environment does not change its genes. The only way that genes can change in response to a particular environment is through the process of evolution in populations of organisms.
Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to control its body functions in order to uphold a stable internal environment even when its external environment changes. All living organisms perform homeostasis. For example, cells maintain a stable internal acidity (pH); and warm-blooded animals maintain a constant body temperature.Homeostasis is a term that is also used when talking about the environment. For example, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide on Earth has been regulated by the concentration of plant life on Earth, because plants remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the daylight hours than they emit to the atmosphere at night.
Evolution by natural selection, is the theory that maintains that a population's inherited traits change over time, and that all known organisms have a common origin. This theory, initially described by Charles Darwin, describes why organisms must adapt to their environments. Evolutionary theory can explain how specialized features, such as the geckos sticky foot pads develop in different species.
This may help you ☺️
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