Business Studies, asked by canushka223, 7 months ago

Environment is the source of all resources a business needs for its operation. Justify statement with


Answered by arif7777


i u are right but i think i t may not need any such operation

Answered by bratislava

Environment is the source of all resources a business needs for its operation.


  • The business environment is an environment that influences business decisions. As there are macro and micro-business environments on which a business operates this external and internal environment directly impacts how the business is operated.  
  • Such environments like the economic, the political and legal, along with demographic, social, competitive, global, and technological.
  • No business is large or big enough to create major changes in the external environment. Hense managers have to adapt to the agents of change. Such as the situation in economic activity like share market can affect the business cycle that affects the individual in many ways.

Learn more about the environment is the source of all resources a business needs for its operation.

  • answered by  arif7777
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