Environmental impact assessment of tehri dam
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Environmental impact assessment of tehri dam is to not get nutrition to their crops or forest which attached to that area dam is like a barrier of water current .
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The probable effects of human act!tes regardng the use of en!ronmentalresources on natural en!ronment s called en!ronmental mpact, and theassessment and e!aluaton of en!ronmental effects of human act!tes are calleden!ronmental mpact assessment "#$%&. Thus, #$% s an nstrument to dentfyand assess the potental en!ronmental mpacts of a proposed pro'ect, e!aluatealternat!es, and desgn approprate mtgaton, management and montorngmeasures. #$% should also be conducted for socal en!ronments, .e., mpacts of pro'ect on human bengs.The man act!tes n!ol!ed n #$% are ("&$dentfcaton of l)ely mpacts."&Conducton of baselne studes to collect !arous a!alable nformaton relatedto the partcular mpact."&$mpact predcton and assessment."!&$mpact nterpretaton or e!aluaton."!&$dentfcaton of montorng re*urements and mtgatng measures.
The +ro'ect has dentfed both post!e and negat!e mpacts. #fforts ere madeto get full ad!antage of post!e mpacts by formulatng sutable schemes.%s e )no that dam s essentally an artfcal all constructed across a r!er hch con!erts a runnng ater ecosystem nto a la)e type ecosystem. Thscauses some changes n basc r!erne ecosystem. Therefore, thorough studesere got conducted for the l)ely negat!e mpacts of dam and ts reser!or,through e-pert agences. Mtgatng measures, here necessary, ere ta)en onl)ely negat!e mpacts.+robable mpacts dentfed for detaled studes ere (a.L)ely change n the "& ater chemstry, especally th respect to dssol!edo-ygen and "& turbdty of ater. b.L)ely mpact on bod!ersty, .e., flora and fauna of the area.c.L)ely obstructon of mo!ements of mgratng fsh speces durng breedngseason
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