Environmental Sciences, asked by robichandraa, 1 year ago

environmental pollution using plastic essay 150 words


Answered by dfgh4
A plastic shopping bag, the most known used product discovered by man. Data released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency shows that somewhere between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year (National Geographic News, 2006). As the number of usage increases, the rate of plastic pollution grows eventually to be an immeasurable environmental obstacle that is difficult to control. This essay will unfold the case of plastic bags to identify the outcomes and impacts that are caused, and justify clarifications to this dilemma.
Plastic bags are seen to create many environmental challenges because of their physical and chemical properties. Due to its molecular structure and its inability to rapidly …show more content… 

Moreover, different species of birds and marine mammals become terminally entangled by plastic bags restricting their movement and reproduction (World Wildlife’s Annual Report, 2005). A third point of challenges is the significant relationship between petroleum and plastic bags. The production of plastic bags requires petroleum and often natural gas, both non-renewable resources that increase our dependency on foreign suppliers. According to the Worldwatch Institute (2004), it takes 430,000 gallons of oil to make 100 million plastic bags. For this reason, the production of plastic bags clearly affects the oil prices.
Because of the multiple concerns posed by plastic bags, attitudes addressing them have taken in consideration. For example, a number of towns, states, countries, governments and councils have taken action to restrict their use. Some governments have favored economic methods to reduce the usage. For instance, in 2002 Ireland took the lead in Europe and introduced a 15 Euro cent tax on plastic shopping bags, previously provided free of charge to customers at points of sale. The effect of the tax on the use of plastic bags has been dramatic—a reduction in use by 90% (BBC News, 2002). Other countries are also taxing plastic bags like Italy and Belgium. While few spots around the world that actually banned plastic bags. In England, Modbury became the first town in Great Britain to voluntarily ban plastic bags (The Times

Answered by beautiful68
Hi...Dear...!! I think it might be Your :
Holidays Homework. So , what i have written i will give you that information !!

Environmental Pollution through usage of plastic can also be written as - Plastic Pollution.


In the last decade, plastic has affected the health and life of human beings very badly. Some incidents have attracted the attention of the whole world and put a question mark about the use of plastic in daily life. Plastic, the wonder material that we use for everything and which pollutes our environment, is perhaps the most harmful of trash dumped by mariners and sea-goers in sea because it does not readily break down in nature. In-fact, the plastic that goes over the side today may still be around in hundreds of years to foul up the fishing gear, boat propellers, and beaches of future generations.

Now-a-days the most popular plastic pollution is caused is polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C.). When any food material or blood is stored in the said plastic containers then gradually the soluble chemical gets dissolved in them causing death due to cancer and other skin diseases. Polyvinyl chloride has also been found to destroy the fertility of the animals and their respiratory systems. When mixed with water, it causes paralysis and also damages bones and causes irritation to the skin.

Recently U.S.A. has banned the use of P.V.C. plastic in space apparatus and in food containers (as chemicals get dissolved in the food). India should immediately ban the use of P.V.C. in water pipes, food and medicine containers to save the lives of millions who are already suffering from different types of ailments.

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