environmentalist and much concerned about the increase in pollution in Delhi. Design a poster in about 50 words
Air pollution is responsible for many health problems in the urban areas. Of late, the air pollution status in Delhi has undergone many changes in terms of the levels of pollutants and the control measures taken to reduce them. This paper provides an evidence-based insight into the status of air pollution in Delhi and its effects on health and control measures instituted. The urban air database released by the World Health Organization in September 2011 reported that Delhi has exceeded the maximum PM10 limit by almost 10-times at 198 μg/m3. Vehicular emissions and industrial activities were found to be associated with indoor as well as outdoor air pollution in Delhi. Studies on air pollution and mortality from Delhi found that all-natural-cause mortality and morbidity increased with increased air pollution. Delhi has taken several steps to reduce the level of air pollution in the city during the last 10 years. However, more still needs to be done to further reduce the levels of air pollution.
Keywords: Air pollution Delhi, control measures, health
Pollution refers to the contamination of the earth's environment with materials that interfere with human health, quality of life or the natural functioning of the ecosystems. The major forms of pollution include water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and soil contamination. Other less-recognised forms include thermal pollution and radioactive hazards. It is difficult to hold any one particular form responsible for maximum risk to health; however, air and water pollution appear to be responsible for a large proportion of pollution related health problems undergone many changes in terms of the ted.
A report by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, India, in 1997 reviewed the environmental situation in Delhi over concerns of deteriorating conditions.(3) Air pollution was one of the areas of concern identified in this study. It was estimated that about 3000 metric tons of air pollutants were emitted every day in Delhi, with a major contribution from vehicular pollution (67%), followed by coal-based thermal power plants (12%). There was a rising trend from 1989 to 1997 as monitored by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The concentrations of carbon monoxide from vehicular emissions in 1996 showed an increase of 92% over the values observed in 1989, consequent upon the increase in vehicular population. The particulate lead concentrations appeared to be in control; this was attributable to the de-leading of petrol and restrictions on lead-handling industrial units. Delhi has the highest cluster of small-scale industries in India that contribute to 12% of air pollutants along with other industrial units
Vehicular pollution is an important contributor to air pollution in Delhi. According to the Department of Transport, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, vehicular population is estimated at more than 3.4 million, reaching here at a growth rate of 7% per annum. Although this segment contributes to two-thirds of the air pollution, there has been a palpable decline compared to the 1995-1996 levels.
The PM10 standard is generally used to measure air quality. The PM10 standard includes particles with a diameter of 10 μm or less (0.0004 inches or one-seventh the width of a human hair). These small particles are likely to be responsible for adverse health effects because of their ability to reach the lower regions of the respiratory tract. According to the Air Quality Guideline by the World Health Organization, the annual mean concentration recommended for PM10 was 20 μg/m3, beyond which the risk for cardiopulmonary health effects are seen to increase.(4) Major concerns for human health from exposure to PM10 include effects on breathing and respiratory systems, damage to lung tissue, cancer and premature death. Elderly persons, children and people with chronic lung disease, influenza or asthma are especially sensitive to the effects of particulate matter. The urban air database released by the World Health Organization in September 2011 reported that Delhi has exceeded the maximum PM10 limit by almost 10-times at 198 μg/m3, trailing in the third position after Ludhiana and Kanpur.(5) Vehicular emissions and industrial activities were found to be associated with indoor as well as outdoor air pollution in Delhi [Effects of Air Pollution on Health