Art, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

DISCLAIMER- “all the characters and events depicted are fictitious. Any resemblance to a person living or dead is purely coincidental”. Hola amigos!!!!!!!!!!! the wait is over and we have come up with yet another episode of the "expose series" this episode is actually something different! because for the first time we have an episode which is not based on a true story. once upon a time there lived a boy named mayank, he was a really nice guy who never would want to hurt anyone in any way! then one day he decided to get himself a gf so he went online and found one on an educational app like brainly so,they DMed each other on instagram,then he would always fight with that girl because that girl was very short-tempered and would get angry easily without any valid reason!one day she decided to break-up with him because of some really immature reason again but he kept on trying to ask her for forgiveness for something which he had not even done because he just wanted to make sure that she is doing okay ,yeah he was a good guy! then again one day he found another girl (myra)on brainly who he really liked because of her personality so he asked her out multiple times but her answer was always no because she thought that her age was too soon to get into a relationship so she asked mayank if they could be friends and like always mayank to keep her happy and to not hurt her agreed to become her friend. mayank is actully a very good guy cause he would never want to hurt anyone but always ends up hurting someone. after a day or so his ex gf in an indirect way asked him why are you always behind that girl myra and agai for no reason got angry on him, then he tried to say sorry because he thought that she was angry with him because he had hurt her and didn't realise it but the truth was that she just had a lot of attitude and did not want him to like any other girl excluding her ,all she wanted him to do was be behind her like a half boyfriend(yeah just like the book half girlfriend by chetan bhagat).myra the girl whom he had asked out but had said no to him now realised that his ex and many other people were hurt because of her and so she did a big drama about it which everyone could easily make out that she trul was not sorry to mayank nor his ex nor the other people whom she caused trouble.but blinded by love mayank couldn't see that and went to convince her that none of it was her mistake and it was all rather his fault but she decided to ignore him inorder to play hard to get and then they made up and she ditched mayank whenever she wanted to so she just used him for her own good, still mayank hasn't got the sense to understand all this and is still stuck in between these two girls. also his ex had another flaw that if any girl spoke to mayank she would think that the girl became his gf but there was nothing but a bond of brother and sister between mayank and the other girls on brainly. well we couldn't save mayank from this drama and from wasting his precious time on such useless stuff but we can warn you all to not get into such so called "online relationships" cause all they do is cause harm and are totally absurd too. story by-kumarikanak and slytherclaw written by-slytherclaw(thats me xD) special thanks to- xshivanirajx and vatika jhaa


Answered by ananyapandey48




I like it..

episode 5

Answered by Anonymous




I am not missing... Holmes twin..

.. and don't report my missing... police........xd

.. actually, I have to submit my project work...a day after tomorrow...

that's why I am little busy... nothing else

and whenever, I get time from my project work...I am trying to answer more and more questions.. so that I can get the inbox power

.. I need the inbox power soon as possible

so, I am trying to answer .. much as I can

actually I have to talk to someone...


sorry, for my absence....

.. love you.. and our little twin..

and all our , Holmes sisoo


report it ...

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