Equal set and equivalent set with example
Example 1
Set A: {A, B, C, D, E}
Set B: {January, February, March, April, May}
Even though Sets A and B have completely different elements (Set A comprises letters, and Set B comprises months of the year), they have the same amount of elements, which is five. Set A contains five letters and Set B contains five months. That makes them equivalent sets!
Example 2
Set C: {Sweater, Mittens, Scarf, Jacket}
Set D: {Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Grapes}
Set C and Set D both comprise word elements in completely different categories (Set C comprises articles of clothing you would wear when cold, and Set D comprises types of fruit), but they both have the same amount of elements, which is four. That makes them equivalent sets!
Example 3
Example 3 of Equivalent Sets
Equivalent Sets E and F.
We use a picture in this example to illustrate that sets don't have to contain elements that are letters, numbers, or words. Some sets contain images. In this case, Set E contains three faces. It is still equivalent to Set F because it has the same number of elements