equality essay around 200 words
The popular meaning of the term equality is that all men are equal and all should be entitled to identity of treatment and income.
Those who subscribe to this meaning of equality, assert that all men are born equal and nature has willed them to remain so.
This natural equality of man was practically recognized in the Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) issued by the National Assembly of France. It said: “Men are born, and always continue, free and equal in respect of their rights.”
A similar statement is found in the American Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” But nature has not created all men equal. Inequality is an inescapable, natural fact and it has to be accepted by society.
Nature has endowed men with different capacities and so long as they differ in their wants, needs, and capacities in satisfying them, equality in its popular sense is inconceivable. Equality does not even imply identity of reward for effort. The statement, then, that all men are equal is as erroneous as that the surface of the earth is level.
Absolute equality is, in fact, an impossible ideal. Nature itself has created such vital differences between men that no power can make and keep them equal. No one with eyes in his head can or will deny the existence of these human differences.
(hope you find it helpful and you can write from it as much wanted )