Equality, liberty and justice of India. Give some examples of it .
On liberty, ensure equal and speedy justice to all
Liberty is our most basic right. The ordinary citizen looks to the courts as the only resort for redress for their anguish and agitation at the harshness of the State’s agencies
Under the Constitution, the Supreme Court (SC) is tasked with upholding fundamental rights and interpreting laws to ensure consistency in decision-making by the High Courts (HCs) and subordinate courts. Yet, on occasion, there have been divergent views and interpretations by judges. The consequences for litigants seeking justice range from delays in cases pending in HCs and subordinate courts to inconsistent decisions leading to multiple challenges till cases are settled.
Since the judges of the Indian apex court, unlike the United States (US) SC do not sit together, the conflicting views of India’s SC benches are resolved only by referrals of such conflicts to larger benches. In the past decade, successive Chief Justices have routinely constituted Constitution Benches (of five or more judges) to speed up pending references and bring about legal clarity.
The recent debate about the apparently conflicting views from different benches on issues of liberty is being erroneously portrayed by some as an example that the court does not speak with one voice in matters of liberty or on equality in access to justice and Article 32 of the Constitution.
Article 32 ensures the right of direct access to SC to ensure the enforcement of fundamental rights
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity,
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity,and to promote among them all.
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
JUSTICE, social, economic and political.