Physics, asked by mehtakavita7925, 1 year ago

Equation for wave vector is


Answered by Abhis506

E describes the electric field, B the magnetic induction (H-magnetic field). The poynting vector P=ExH explains that E and H are vertical to P. The wave vector is needed to describe the wave function, for instance E = Eosin(wt-kr).

Answered by neerajnagar487


k = 2π/λ


The magnitude of the wave vector (with units of m−1) is the wavenumber as defined by


where λ is the wavelength in the medium (not the vacuum wavelength).

In non-isotropic media, the direction of energy flow, which is the direction of the Poynting vector, can somewhat deviate from that of the wave vector, which is always perpendicular to the wavefronts.

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