Eradicate Corruption and build a new India - Essay
Eradicate Corruption - Build A New India
Building a new India is almost impossible as long as there is the cancer of corruption in it. Corruption is an obstacle that the people of a country must overcome to be a happy nation. The national goals of economic prosperity, infrastructural development, and overall advancement will remain elusive until corruption is wiped out from our country. Eliminating corruption is impossible without the collective will of the people and the Government. The next major revolution India will have is anti-corruption revolution. It has already started.
Indians have seen so much of corruption and its horrible consequences that they have only one yearning; they all want to live in a corruption free India. Every Indian wishes to breathe in a cleaner, prosperous, progressive, stronger, self-reliant, more organized India. This is possible only when the evil of corruption has been totally vanquished.
Unless every Indian (especially in the public sector and Government run departments) discards corruption totally, the objective a new prosperous India can never be achieved.
Einstein quite rightly said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” India is a developing country facing many challenges. Corruption is the most detrimental of them. India was placed at 76th position out of 168 countries with a score of 38 out of a possible 100 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015.
Corruption is like a canker to the health of the economic and technological prosperity of a nation. Corruption became rampant with the winning of freedom. Owing to the fallible democratic system and lack of stringent punishment mechanism for the culprits, it thrived, more in politics, government administration departments. Gradually its nexus became more nefarious. Corruption in India spread as a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals.
Political corruption is worst in India. The major cause of concern is that corruption is weakening the political body and damaging the supreme importance of the law governing the society. In the past few decades there was every conceivable scam and scandals in all key ministries. These cams and scandals tarnished the image of the country nationally as well as internationally. There were so many scams that people lost complete trust in the government. Indian Coal Allocation Scam, 2G Spectrum Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam, Telgi Scam, Satyam Scam, Bofors Scam, the Fodder Scam, etc, are some of the many scams that were done by elected ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, and high government officials. The Indian Law system is so incompetent and vulnerable, that in spite of being guilty, politicians, bureaucrats, high government officials remain scot free.
Now the most crucial question: ‘How to curb this evil of corruption?’ Although many anti-corruption agencies have been created to fight curb corruption, but they exist in name only. The only solution to the problem of corruption is people’s involvement in eradicating it from the face of our country. They will have to take the issue in their hands. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolutions stand as perfect examples which show when the people of a country unite against an oppressive evil, how the evil just vanishes. Since they are the losers in all the scams and scandals, as the money wasted and misused is their tax money, they have the right to curb scams and scandals. There must be large scale protests by the people against scams and ill practices.
Of late owing to the growing awareness and protests by the people, the central Government has been taking some steps to curb corruption. Some anti-corruption agencies have been set up. Agencies such as RTI, the Central Vigilance Commission, and PIO have been created. The people, along with their unified protest, must use these agencies to curb corruption. The media can play a great role in curbing corruption. The concerted efforts of the people of India, anti-corruption departments, and media have the power to root out this evil from India. One thing is crystal clear; unless people themselves pledge to eradicate corruption, this evil will continue to exist. So it is possible for India to become totally corruption free, provided Indians resolve to be corruption free themselves. Let’s join hands and eradicate corruption from the face of our country. The day corruption dies, a new India will automatically emerge and stun the world with its advancement in all fields.
Hey friend ^_^
" Eradicate corruption - Build a new India "
Building a new India is almost impossible until there is a poison of corruption in it. Corruption is a form of dishonest act performed by a person or an organisation. They are unethical acts undertaken by a person entrusted with a position of authority to acquire personal benefits. This is a social issue which adversely effects the economy of India.
Corruption has affected the growth of the individual as well as the nation and reduces income. It is a huge reason for inequalities in the society. It affects the social, economical, political growth and development of India. This corruption can be categorized into political corruption, administrative corruption and professional corruption. This increases people's appetite for money, power, position and luxury. People start desiring more and more.
The whole Indian system is totally based on corruption at different levels. The government and politicians are known for their corrupt ways in India. They must rather work upon overcoming the problems of corruption than themselves indulging in such activities. They must set a good example to the citizens inspiring them to works honestly to reach their goals.
So, now the most important part is how can this corruption be eradicated. Though anti - corruption agencies have been created to fight corruption, they can't find a solution without the people's involving in eradicating it from the face of India.
For this, the citizens must be well educated, as they need jobs to earn their living. They can easily use illegal and corrupt methods to earn their living. This contributes to corruption if the citizens are uneducated.
Strict laws should be made against people involved in corrupt practices which included, taking/giving bribes, scams, black money, exploitation, illegal ways to expand business. The people found doing such acts must be severely punished. Media can also contribute to eradicate corruption. The can perform sting operations to expose corrupt people in different sectors. This will not only expose people but also discourage others from indulging themselves in such practices.
However, if both the citizens and the government join hands, the percentage of the corruption will surely lower down. Though each one wants a corruption free India, but we are not able to eradicate it knowing the causes and its consequences. In order to free India from corruption, we all in the first hand must stand united against it and be honest in achieving our goals. We can also spread an awareness and consequences of corruption which can also contribute to eradicate it.
Hope it helps u!