English, asked by noorbali6697, 3 months ago

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Our Principal has inform me a)_________ _______
that I have been choose for the Debate b) ________ _______
Competition in the schools. I wanted c) ________ _______
to know how many competitor d) ________ ________
are there. She told me that e) ________ ________
2 / 3
only a few were serious. I were happy f) ________ _________
that I had been selected for the compete g) ________ ________
for which I has been waiting for long. h) ________ ________


Answered by sahanaarums16


a) inform a) informed

b) choose b) chosen

c) schools c) school

d) competitor d) competitors

e) are e) were

f) were f) was

g) compete g) competition

h) has h) have

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