English, asked by lakshya8160, 9 months ago

एस्से ऑन रोल ऑफ कंप्यूटर इन एजुकेशन​


Answered by GangsterTeddy


Computer education in schools plays an important role in students’ career development. Computer with the internet is the most powerful device that students can use to learn new skills and a more advanced version of current lessons. Universities & Schools are around the globe teaching students the basics of computers and the internet online and offline.

The use of computers and the internet are growing day by day at high speed. In almost all businesses, companies, schools using computers for various official operations. New tech tools are coming that helping students to learn better.

Computers help students to draw the creativity on the computer such as by using a windows paint program. If students are taking Hindi Classes or poem writing then they can do it by typing in Hindi on computers. If students are taking Mathematical classes they can use Microsoft Excel application to solve and understand

Parents want their kids to be intelligent and creative. They want to see high marks at the end of the year. They don’t want to see their kids don’t know about computers when others know very well. They want to send their kids to schools where the high level of education and schools have enough IT infrastructures.

That’s why especially private schools are leading in education and taking higher fees because of the importance of computer education. But not all parents are able to admit their students in costly schools.

Computers and the internet not only help students to explore creativity and imagination but also help to understand technologies. Students are future leaders for any nation. Current school students are future doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs. So, for education development, it is really important to teach students in schools about computers, the internet, and its benefits.

In schools, computer education is one the most important subject if you compare this is with current technological updates and demands of computer knowledge in various government and private sectors jobs. In schools, it is really important for computer teachers to teach students about how to use computers, How to understand, the benefits of using various applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet safety, etc.

I know most of the schools are trying to do this. But they are teaching students in schools about computers more theoretically than practical education.

As you know that many developed countries are providing computer applications and high-quality IT infrastructure for schools. The goal of technological education is to make students better thinkers, creative, and confident. That helps them in higher education and in life. Education plays a very important role in our life and career development.

Just think that why developed countries such as America, Japan, China, Russia, etc. leading the world in many things such as technologies, sports, employment, nuclear weapons, etc.? Just think that why some countries are more powerful and dominating developing nations?

I think because they are providing high-quality technological tools, IT infrastructure in schools and colleges. They are paying a high salary for computer teachers. In Developed countries, there is the ease of doing business for new people. That’s why there are people who created Google, Facebook, Linked In, YouTube, etc. This is because of the level of computer literacy in their society and in people. People in developed countries are taking initiative in almost everything.

If you compare this to India our people here are busier in talking about politics and corruption instead of doing something becoming better than yesterday. The level of computer education in India is very low.

Maybe I am wrong, but the computer education we are providing in colleges and university level such as programming, designing, apps development, etc. after graduation that knowledge in developed countries known by school students. We Indians are creative, intelligent, hardworking, honest, and innocent. We are happy in taking what is served to us by developed countries. We are not grouped because of selfish reasons that are why the level of new inventions is very low. We are implementing almost everything from other countries instead of creating something that is for India and developed in India.

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