English, asked by KHUSHI1234567890, 1 year ago



Answered by BrainlyPromoter


Write an essay on black money in India.

Word Limit: 100 words minimum


In the present time, the value of rupee has decreased considerably i.e. the purchasing power of rupees has gone down considerably. If the government does not have proper gold in the safe reserves, then it means increase in paper currency and decrease of value of currency.

That is the situation of inflation. The other decision-making reason is to decide on paper currency and the proper average of consumer goods and the proportion of each other. In addition to this, there is a stimulating cause of black money which creates a parallel economy and directly conveys three reasons in a strengthened form.

In the form of excessive personal tax income tax, in the form of property tax, the property is levied as profit tax and gift tax, which the taxman assures is that such income-taxpayer is indirectly The form is taken in the financial circle. Other reasons lack of consumer goods and productive items due to development in the country.

A pole of black means unlawful life has become a reality. This is a pleasant thing only as long as this money is lying in invisible treasures and locks and distribution, it keeps the money away from the broadcast, because it reduces the amount of money that is with value.

It is a good economic development, not to be used in the business of black money and keeping money hidden, because it thus keeps the inflation in control by decreasing the amount of money. But the person who has black money also knows how to use it.

He knows that life is small so every single moment of life should be lived. That is why he extends his home, lives with big splendor and festivities in the house, keeps money on marriage and other festivals like water or purchases gold and such precious stones, diamonds and jewels, to keep It is easy.

The owner of the black money and the controller keep the money in the local and parliamentary elections for the expenditure, which he considers to be an appropriateness of the candidate, which he later proves to be beneficial for him. They are well aware that this economics is a long-time money source combination and it benefits the candidate by using it at the right time.

Direct, clear, excellent consumption from taxable income are not possible and all are also familiar with this. But all the means of converting dark money into white money, by spending money on illumination, festivals, banquets, buying imported cars and expanding the house.

Whenever the point of monetization is raised, many depositors get information about these news ahead of time and again a new cycle of inflation begins. Today, in our country, valuable items accumulated in the form of black money, gold precious diamonds, jewels, house with fullest facilities are found. Essentially, due to some extent, the reason for the widespread inflation is the horrified distributed currency of the blocker, however, it is highly due to the increase in currency operations, transmission through the Ministry of Finance.

If the burden of direct taxes is reduced, then there will be lack of self-interest in the collection of black money. Along with this, the production of goods will increase as a result of eliminating various obstructions. This is possible only when we will eliminate the dual price level of each of its controlled objects.

Generally speaking about the evils of black money without ending those passions, only time will be destroyed. Showers of black money depicted, fear and other instructions will only result in progressive inflation.

If we want to control this evil, by giving a compensation to black money bankers in a way, this compensation can be used as a positive instrument in the economy rather than depositing the unseen currency back into the bank and increasing the indian economy.

Thank You!

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