Geography, asked by upaanshuchatterjee, 5 months ago

esaay on ocean in english


Answered by ommprasad3031


s. Tides are the rise and fall of ocean levels. That happens throughout the day. On a beach, for example, the ocean covers more sand at high tide than at low tide. The pull of a force called gravity between Earth and the Moon and the Sun causes tides.

Ocean Floor

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The ocean floor has many levels. The shallowest part of the oceans, called the continental shelf, lies along the edges of the continents. The edges of the continental shelf slope down toward the deep parts of the oceans, called the basins. At the bottom of the basins are large, flat plains.

In some places, deep cracks called trenches cut into the ocean floor. In other places, underwater mountain chains, called oceanic ridges, rise up from the floor. Earthquakes sometimes occur along the trenches and ridges. Parts of the ridges contain active volcanoes.

Ocean Life

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Living things inhabit all levels of Earth’s oceans. Ocean plants grow fairly close to the water’s surface because they need sunlight to stay alive. Sunlight penetrates the water to only about 656 feet (200 meters). The most numerous ocean plants are called phytoplankton. Those tiny, one-celled plants drift with the ocean currents. Various kinds of sea grass and other plants also grow in the world’s oceans. Seaweeds, which are plantlike forms of algae, are plentiful as well.

Like ocean plants, most ocean animals live in shallower water. This is because there are more plants and animals to eat near the water’s surface. But animals also can be found in deep water, including within the oceans’ deepest, darkest trenches.

The largest ocean animal is the blue whale. No larger animal has ever lived on Earth. The tiniest animals are a form of plankton called zooplankton. Hundreds of thousands of other types of animal also live in the ocean. Those include clams, crabs, squid, dolphins, and many different kinds of fish. Corals and sea anemones look like plants, but they are animals, too.

Importance of the Oceans

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The world’s oceans are important to life on Earth. Oceans are a great source of food for people around the world. They also provide minerals, oil, and natural gas. Phytoplankton and algae create much of the world’s oxygen. Oceans also help to keep climates stable by storing heat from the Sun.

Today, many dangers threaten the health of the oceans. People pollute oceans by dumping poisonous waste and garbage into them. Ocean pollution reduces oxygen in the water and harms ocean life. Overfishing and oil spills harm ocean life as well.

People called oceanographers study the oceans to try to keep them healthy. Some examine the quality of the water and the way the water moves. Others look at the structures of the seafloors and basins. Another group of oceanographers is interested in the plants and animals that live in oceans.

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