English, asked by madhusingh8820, 10 months ago

Esay speech birds and animals


Answered by Ninu2018

ABOUT BIRDS-->When a bird flies, it is an amazing thing to watch. How they take flight, glide through the air and land with ease is very intriguing. Birds are the only animals that have feathers, and not all birds fly. You can find birds just about anywhere, and some people think birds make great pets.

Birds are the only animals that have feathers and belong to the scientific class called Aves. A bird’s feathers are what help them fly and stay warm or cool in different climates. Birds are warm-blooded, egg-laying animals that have vertebrae, or a backbone. They are different from mammals because they lay hard-shelled eggs and have feathers. A bird has four limbs—two that are wings—along with a beak and no teeth. According to the website "Where in City," there are about 10,000 living species, or different kinds, of birds...........

ABOUT ANIMALS-->Animals, plants and human beings all are the part of nature. If any of this is disturbed then the whole balance of nature gets disturbed. Human beings have been disturbing the balance nature. Animals are being hunted down and the trees are being cut down for commercial use. This needs to be considered as soon as possible. Animals are now standing on the place from where they can be extinct if any steps are not taken. The man has been clearing the home of the animals by clearing the forest which needs to be looked on. Animals help in maintaining the balance of nature and hence they need to be protected. The government has also taken many strict steps to stop hunting animals and save them.

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