Essay 350 words on "Cloning - A Bane or A Boon" fast plz
An American company, Cloniad, associated with a controversial religious sect that believes extra terrestrials created mankind claimed on 27th December 2002, that it had produced the first clone of human being.
The company announced it had created a healthy baby girl named “Eve” who was a clone of a 31 year old American mother. Cloniad has been racing Italian fertility doctor Severion Antonio to produce the first cloned baby.The US President George Bush has asked the US Congress to ban the creation of cloned babies as well as the cloning of human embryos for medical research. The US House representative passed the ban, but a similar bill in the Senate was stayed after scientists urged that such law would hinder medical research.
The word ‘Clone’ derives from the Greek term ‘Klon’ meaning a sprout or a twig. It refers to a method of reproduction apart from the parental, sexual mating process that is characteristic of most organisms