English, asked by TristAnnie6415, 1 month ago

Essay about: Hidden under the box


Answered by Anonymous

For my out of the box experiment I chose to do three days without some accustomed technology, by some accustomed technology I mean my laptop, netf.lix, youtub.e and pinter.est. Why I chose to do this is because we live in a time where we are highly dependent on technology, some of us more heavily than others. However it may be we all use some sort of technology everyday, so I wanted to see what would happen if I didn’t use it for a couple of days. This is really out of the box for me because I usually wake up and immediately check my phone, check if there are any new videos I haven’t seen either on N.etflix of Yout.ube and spend most of my morning glued to my laptop. When I am out and about, I usually scroll through pinte.rest to see what pops…show more content…

That day I realized that I had so much more time to do things, after helping my mom clean the kitchen and living room. I had nothing else to do, so I went to my room and I was super bored I had no idea what to do with all the time. I would just go on my phone scroll through images and essentially do nothing. That day I realized that I spend a lot of time just going up and down the stairs trying to find something that I could do. At night I found it to be difficult for me to go to sleep because I had nothing to watch on my phone that would eventually make me sleepy. So I just layed there for an hour or so staring at the ceiling. The next day was better because I didn’t spend a lot of time at home, that morning I woke up pretty late. So I just grabbed something to eat and went to class, after class I went to walmart. I ended getting home until six, when I got home I ate, did some of the readings, and went over my notes. The difficult part about Monday was again going to sleep, it wasn’t as easy when I wasn’t able to use my laptop. Tuesday was a little more boring because after getting home from school, I didn’t do anything I was just walking around the house finding random things that popped into my head.  

Before starting this experiment I expected it to be super easy to live three days without this accustomed technology. This is because I do not consider myself someone who heavily relies on technology, or someone

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