essay about integrity a way of life
Integrity – A Way of Life
Integrity is one of the most agreeable and sought after quality. People who possess it are in high demand. Through integrity one can accomplish the biggest achievements. People who make integrity a way of their life ensure prosperity and success in their life.
Integrity is Aladin’s miracle lamp, using which you can accomplish anything you desire. Integrity is the fruit on the tree of industry, perseverance, and dedication to excellence. James Allen, the great British author and philosopher in his book ‘Eight Pillars of Prosperity’ pays a glowing tribute to the principle of ‘Integrity’. He says, “There is no striking a cheap bargain with prosperity. It must be purchased, not only with intelligent labor, but with moral force.”
According to Asif Raza Integrity is the value of possessing and consistently sticking to high moral principles. Integrity is what you do and how you conduct yourself when there is no one watching. The prosperity is the state of having good fortune, wealth and success. It is essentially related to peace, harmony and satisfaction. If you sow with integrity, you will definitely reap in prosperity.
Achieving prosperity without integrity is impossible. Only men of high integrity have the strength, creativity, and will to work tirelessly. Without industry and prolonged perseverance, prosperity remains only a mere dream. All the great achievers in the history of mankind have been men and women of impeccable integrity. Abraham Lincoln, Madam Curie, Louis Pasteur, Winston Churchill, Dr. Graham Bell, Einstein, Addison, Mahatma Gandhi, etc, have been men and women of high integrity. They achieved phenomenal success in their respective fields by applying the principle of integrity. If any nation wants prosperity, it must have honest people.
Similarly, if a nation is to achieve invincible prosperity in the fields of health, finances, science, technology, and innovation, the people of that nation must adopt the principle of integrity. All the great nations which are considered to be prosperous at present are the nations whose people are men and women of high integrity. Every day they work tirelessly for the prosperity of their nations.
If our country is to prosper, we will have to apply integrity even in the minutest details. We must persevere in all the fields with dedication and commitment, prosperity will certainly follow. Integrity is a divine quality; it augments energy, enthusiasm, creativity, fearlessness, purposefulness, and accomplishment. So develop in yourself integrity, with all your heart, body, and mind and make it a way of your life.
hope it helps
pls mark my answer as brainliest
Essay about 'integrity a way of life':
Integrity is said to be the way of life because it is not something that a person can generate within themselves if they have lost it, it is rather a choice that a person has to make when taking the decisions of life. Having integrity means having the courage to do the right thing even when the situations are not good, it means to stick by the principles that one would do always the right thing without being afraid of the consequences. There may come a time when a person would be tested to prove his integrity and each and every time they would have to make tough decisions, but if they even fall for once they would loose their self respect. Therefore many things are at stake and that's why it is best to stick with your principles and to try to do good no matter what the situation is.
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