English, asked by rajeshtiwary4477, 1 year ago

Essay about my goal corruption free india


Answered by sarath9
Corruption is widespread in India. India is ranked 85 out of 17 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2014. Corruption is one of the chief enemies of state and almost every time it hinders growth and development.
Corruption in India is the main problem since Independence . Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi once said that ,”Only 15 paisa of every rupee spent ever reached the poor for whom it was meant.” Being stated by Prime Minister it badly reflects corruption in India.
Mostly underdeveloped and developing countries are greatly affected by corruption. Corruption is closely associated with bribery which means given or take profit for some illegal work. Corruption has progressively involved in every sphere of Indian society. Corruption is a cancer that is not restricted to any particular political party. It infects the whole system. In India, people with an honest image are very few. In India, There are a bunch of scams in recent past in the Indian administration .
“At senior levels, it (corruption) is usually a result of strong nexus between politicians and civil servants and, at lower levels, it is a result of poor systems and ill-defined public service levels, “the government paper prepared by the Union Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions for the occasion of Civil Services Day.
Corruption is an age old phenomenon and can be seen everywhere now a days. It is like a cancer in public life, which has not become to rampant and perpetuated overnight, but is course of time. The word corruption means destruction, ruining or spoiling a society or nation. A corrupt society is characterized by immorality and lack of fear or respect for the law. It is the abuse of public power for private gain. Corruption comes under many different guises like bribery, extortion, fraud. misappropriations of public goods, nepotism i.e. favouring family members for jobs and contracts.
We always read about corruption in news or watch on television. They always sadden me and make me think, why would one want to indulge in such behaviour? What is the thinking behind this? Don’t they have any moral or ethics? I always wanted to find answers to these questions and that is why I chose this subject for my assignment. Through this assignment I shall try to uncover meaning , reasons and solutions for preventing corruption.
Answered by Gaharpur
First,I discussed about corruption in public life.
Independence ushered in an era of development in the history of our nation.Large dams ,steel plants multipurpose projects and large scale public sector undertakings came into being.As a result huge funds were needed .Huge amount of money fell into the hands of politicians,their henchmen and middle men.This created countless opportunities for corruption .But a common main in the street did not know what was happening in the corridors of power.

If ,Our India free of corruption , Wow ,Our society make heaven. But it is impossible because some or many ministers makes our society dirty.They can't do good and misuse their power.
Like +I give one example.
I go a fair,In that fair one swing was there.I bought a ticket .I saw one person is not buy ticket and when ticket man was coming then he say, No ,I don't have ticket ,And see my police id card..And the poor man who was poor says ++okkkk..He cheat with poor man by their power.So,Our society can't make free of corruption because ,In that day when all the person who misuse their power are end.

Contracts and license were sanctioned to the relatives , friends and those close to the ruling party.The dream of freedom had started turning sour when politicians shunned morality in public life.In fact value based politics was given a good bye.The bureaucracy joined in merry making and minted money at their will. Those who were allotted to them.In fact the looting and plundering started the day India won freedom .The so called freedom fighter turned into vultures living on the flesh of a poor man.
When the attention of the first P.M J.L nehru was drawn to the misdeeds of the politicians and bureaucrats ,he brushed aside the patent fact.He had just a say ,that corruption was a worldwide phenomenon.What a pity!!A nation at birth was mired in the muddy waters of corruption.
Apart from these political and economic changes,even the changed social values also contributed to the rampant corruption.Lure for money, status and achievement of ends at every cost are some of the factors responsible for spreading corruption.The worst kind of corruption has been in the form of scandals and defence scams.It is most shame ful aspect of our national character.
While Anna hazare was on fast in August 2011 ,the political leaders of every hue and shade showed remarkable unity in meeting his threat by calling Anna's challenge to Parliament as a threat to democracy.His call for reforms was termed anti -national .Now,that the Anna movement has lit the spark for strong authority over the politicians,it is for the people now to arouse themselves in support of a strong Jan Lak Pal bill.

Where does the solution lie??Just a country gets the government it deserves similarly every country gets the leaders it deserves .After all the leaders are a part of our own society.Therefore ,silence and indifference of the people would silently encourage corruption.They should rise to the occasion and demand a probe into their financial transaction that have made them billionaires .The system can be cleansed not by half hearted means .Let public should be the arbiters of the destiny of the people..

It is ostensible that bo political leader is willing to show political will to bring the investigations to logical end.The fact deserves the attention of the people as to how all the political parties got united in objecting to the verdict of the Supreme court.They objected to filling the details of their asserts,sources of incomes and their criminal records at the time of filling nominations.Worse, Judiciary itself is on collusion with corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.Criminals in public life are rushing the roost.In present circumstance no light is visible at the end of the tunnel.
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