Political Science, asked by Himanksharma, 9 months ago

essay about the role of india in united nations in 300 words​


Answered by Adityapsingh2601



The United Nations Organisation came into being after the Second World War-21 years ago. This organisation has provided a common platform to various countries in the world including the big powers to work out a programme of peace and prosperity.

India has been playing an active role in its various activities. India is one of the Founder-members of this Organisation and has always declared its loyalty to the United Nations Charter. It endorses all the ideals of world peace and international cooperation which the U.N.O. stands for.

India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was one of the world’s most important statesmen and politicians played a vital part in the setting up of the United Nations Organisation along with other world leaders like President Truman of the U.S.A., Stalin of the U.S.S.R., De Gaulle of France and others. Nehru’s standing as a political philosopher had its impact on the politics of the world.

Even though India was not independent in 1945, Nehru’s political ideas and contribution to the struggle for independence of his country and other slave countries won him the esteem of the whole world. All important leaders of the world consulted Nehru on important issues pertaining to the Charter of the U.N.

From the very beginning India urged the United Nations to de­velop into a truly international institution working for peace and assist­ance to member states in all matters including human rights, freedom of slave countries, and development of economically backward areas.

In­dia always supported the resolutions standing for freedom and justice for the subject people and took a leading part in drafting the resolu­tions which were intended to grant independence to the colonial coun­tries and peoples. India has also played an important role in promot­ing international cooperation in economic and social advancement of all peoples. India has led the world in drawing attention to the prob­lems of the developing nations in the U.N. General Assembly and its social organisations like the ECAFE, UNESCO, FAO, W.H.O., I.L.O. and others. A large number of Indians are working in the U.N. Secretariat, some of them holding very important positions.

Some of India’s Generals have performed noteworthy duties in the peace keeping operations of the U.N. in various countries and continents. Mention among them may be made of General Thimmayya, Maj. General Rikhye, General Chaudhry and others. Similarly in the political field India’s Mr. C.V. Narasimhan is the Cabinet Secretary to the Secretary General U. Thant. Again, Dr. B.R. Sen was the Direc­tor General of the F.A.O. for over 10 years. Late Dr. H.J. Bhabha was presiding over many international conferences of scientists held by the U.N.

In the economic field India has been contributing to the budget of the U.N. Its position in this respect is sixth. India is a member of various Commissions, Committees and Sub-Committees of the U.N. and its delegates took significant part in the wordings of various solutions adopted by these bodies. India has been recently a host country to the U.N.C.T.A.D.

Conference (United Nations Conference for Trade and Development) in which more than 5,000 foreign delegates’s participated New Delhi was humming with lot of activity because of this conference. With all these activities India has earned a name as a peace-loving nation, working for the advancement of the world towards prosperity and equality of the human rights and for ultimate unity of the world under one world government.

Answered by gratefuljarette

The role of India in united nations:

India played an active role in its various activities. India is one of this organization's founding members and has always proclaimed its allegiance to the Charter of the United Nations.

This shares all the principles of world peace and international cooperation that the U.N.O. serves.

From the very outset, India encouraged the United Nations to grow into a truly international body striving for peace and assistance to member states in all matters including human rights, the independence of oppressed countries and the growth of economically backward regions.

India has led the world to draw attention to developing nations' problems in the United Nations. General Assembly and its social organizations such as ECAFE, UNESCO, FAO, WHO, ILO, etc. There are a large number of Indians serving in the United Nations. Secretariat, some of them hold positions of great importance.

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