essay about your school
Education is an essential part of our lives. We are nothing without knowledge, and education is what separates us from others. The main step to acquire education is enrolling oneself in a school. School serves as the first learning place for most of the people. Similarly, it is the first spark in receiving an education. My school is my second home where I spend most of my time. Above all, it gives me a platform to do better in life and also builds my personality. I feel blessed to study in one of the most prestigious and esteemed schools of the city. In addition, my school has a lot of assets which makes me feel fortunate to be a part of it. In this essay on my school, I will tell you why I love my school and what my school has taught me.
Essay on My School
by Team The WisdomPost & Sophia in Essay
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Selected Essays on My School: Introduction, Teachers, Students, Surrounding, Structure, Standard of Education and Conclusion.
List of Essays on My School in English
Essay on My School – Essay 1 (250 Words)
Essay on My School – Essay 2 (250 Words)
Essay on My School – Teachers, Schedule and Conclusion – Essay 3 (300 Words)
Essay on My School Life – Memories and Conclusion – Essay 4 (400 Words)
Essay on My School – Introduction, Environment and Teachers – Essay 5 (500 Words)
Essay on My School – Surroundings and Structure – Essay 6 (600 Words)
Essay on My School – Infrastructure and Academic Activities – Essay 7 (750 Words)
Essay on My School – Introduction, Discipline and Conduct – Essay 8 (1000 Words)
A school is a medium of learning for children and is often regarded as a place of worship for the students. Writing an essay on my school is quite common among students. Here we have essays on My School of different lengths which would prove quite helpful to your children. You can choose the essay as per your length requirement and you shall find that essays have been written in quite easy to understand yet crisp language. Moreover, the essays have been written in such a manner that they are suited for all classes, be it the junior school or the senior classes.
List of Essays on My School in English
Essay on My School – Essay 1 (250 Words)
Education in India has made significant progress over the years. Both private and public schools facilitate education for Indian children and follow the same regulations for teaching curriculum. All schools incorporate extracurricular activities into the school systems, which motivates the learners and help them in realizing their talents and building their personalities. Schools are funded by the three levels i.e., the state, local and central levels. Schools in India cover primary, secondary and post-secondary levels of education. The highest percentage of schools offer primary education.
Crescent public school:
My school is a public institution that is located in Delhi. Crescent Public school was established in 1987 and it has been in operation ever since. The school is well equipped in terms of facilities as we have a gym, a library, a nice playground, our classes are modern, the buses are adequate and labs are functional. I joined this school in the year 2016 and I have been able to learn a lot about the school. The school is affordable and the education I have received is quality because I have developed in all aspects of life.
Not only is the school excellent in education, but also excellence in sports is achieved. I have always loved playing tennis. I participate in the school’s tennis competitions. In the year 2017, we won the Bronze medal in the national tournament by CBSE. This year, we secured third position in the same sport, which was an exciting experience for both the students and the teachers. It has been a great experience especially with support from our teachers.
Essay on My School – Essay 2 (250 Words)
My School, St. Mary’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School is located in Armenian Street, at the heart of Chennai City. It is one of the oldest schools for boys in India, established during the British rule.
“Viriliter Age” which means “Act like a Man” is the motto of my school. It aims to provide a family atmosphere for us to become intellectually enlightened, spiritually profound, emotionally balanced, socially committed and morally responsible students.
Though built during the colonial rule, the buildings are airy and comfortable. The Management regularly upgrades the facilities and uses uptodate technology to run my school. It has a large playground, well-stocked library and well-equipped science laboratory.
Daily Schedule
A typical day at my school starts with the assembly at 8:30 AM. We render our prayers, hear moral and other instructions from teachers. Apart from regular academics through the day, our time table is spotted with periods for music, games, project work etc. We undertake sports activities for an hour after the last period, which gets over at 3:30 PM.
Co-Curricular Activities
According to our interests, we are encouraged to participate in Arts & Crafts, NSS, Scout etc., and become members of various Clubs and Associations. Medical Teams and Psychologists visit us regularly to aid our holistic growth.
I love my school, teachers and friends very much. I aim to complete my studies with laurels. I wish to shine brightly in my higher studies and career, to spread the pride of my school.