English, asked by abidumair376, 7 months ago

Essay: Could there ever a Perfect world?​


Answered by deepikasinghroll17


The world is a messed up place; always has been, and probably always will be. It's forever been a struggle between royalty and beggars, the strong and the weak, those of power, and those of not. But what if it wasn't like that? What if everyone were equal? Would it be for the better, or for the worse?

The world would be perfect if intelligence, countries and government, and wealth were equal. If everyone were graced with equal intelligence, there would be no reason for schools no teachers. If the countries and their governments were equal, there would be no wars, since it would be one giant continent. Finally, if everyone had the same amount of money, people would be able to afford the same things and there would be no jealousy. However, while these three things are all well and good, every cloud has a silver lining. In reality, there would be detrimental effects that would arise from making the world and everyone and everything on it equal. Shall we discuss this further?

However, if people were to have all the same intellect, there would be no need for teachers, which would put them out of a job. Also, experts in field would be nonexistent because everyone would know everything. Lastly, there would be a whole lot of foolish yet intelligent people and crooks, which is a bad combination.

In conclusion, if everyone were to have the same level of intelligence, everyone would understand each other and there would be no need for school. On the other hand, there being no schools would put teachers and others of their positions out of a job, because there would be no need to teach anything. This would put the teachers in the position where they would need to find another job.

Secondly, have you ever watched the news and wondered what the whole point of countries are if all they just have wars? Well, if the government of the countries was equal with the people, there would be no government, and by extension of that, no countries. The world would just be one big country, which would eliminate all wars. Also, there would be no taxes or laws.

But if there were no government, there would be no one to lead the people. There would also be no roads because taxes pay for them to be built, and with no taxes, this could not happen. The world would be in chaos because there would be no laws and people would do whatever they wanted with no regulations. They could kill and abuse and do all sorts of thing with no punishment.

So if there was equality by there being no government, there would be no wars. But this equality would mean that the detrimental effect of there being no one to lead. There would be chaos with no laws there would be no way to control anyone or anything.

Finally, have you ever seen a beggar on the street, holding a sign that says "Lost job. No money. Please help?" and beseeching charity? If everyone had equal wealth, there wouldn't be an issue. There would be no homeless or poor people, and everyone would have enough to feed and support themselves. People wouldn't be jealous of others for their material possessions and everyone could contribute to projects that would benefit the community.

If there was an equal wealth for everyone, people could live without fear of not eating the next day. They would have a roof over their heads and food to eat. But they would also become self-centered and lazy. The money would not stay equal, leading to problems.

In conclusion, a perfect world would be one where everyone was of equal intelligence, equality of the people and the government, and equivalent wealth. Everyone would be able to work together to create a better world using their intelligence and money. There would be no wars. However, the detrimental effects of this would be a loss of jobs due to nobody needing to be taught, as well as chaos due to no rules or regulations. The world population would spend all there time gossiping and worrying about trivial things because they do not have to worry about money. In short, while the cloud of equality may seem like the smoothest ride to success, all clouds have a silver lining, and if you disregard that, you may just fall.

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