English, asked by aimanrizwan85, 6 months ago

essay eating out with the family​


Answered by asingh90262

Family dinners have been an important factor in people's lives for along time now. But, over time how people has changed drastically. Just comparing how I ate ate as a family, to when my grandpa ate as a family as a child had changed a lot. Family dinner has been where people come together as a family and have conversation, and catch up with each other. In my family, all us children are grown up and we do not eat together as a family every night. We do eat together as a family on sundays though every week. My grandpa told me that his family ate together every night at the same time, six PM. His dad got home from work everyday at the same time, so his mother already knew when to have dinner ready for him when he got home. My family eats anywhere…show more content…

It is an easy way to have a good meal and mom not have to cook it. It is a good treat to be able to get to eat out often like that. My grandpa as a child very rarely ate out for dinner. Eating out in his family was a treat they really only got to do when they went on vacations. They never ate out just for the fun of it, there was always a good reason for it. When we eat, there's always a variety of food to choose from. Such as chicken, potatoes, salad, or fish. My parents would change it up each week. My grandpa’s family ate pretty much the same thing every night, some type of meat and a type of potato. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I would just get very tired of eating the same thing every night. Back when my grandpa was a child, around the 1950s, people did not really know too much information or facts about nutrition or what they were eating. Where as today, places where you get the food people eat has everything written on what’s in it on the labels of the packages of food. So, when he was a child, his family ate more fresh foods and home cooked meals.

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