essay: lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole . UPSC -2000
The world undoubtedly turns into a better place when people willingly develop a sense of considerate contribution to the society, nay, the under privileged. But the means of aid is what matters the most and that determines whether we repair or ruin lives.
Helping a person earn for himself is far better than giving him money. The prior exemplifies lending a helping hand and the latter, giving a dole. Both exhibit an act of kindness and the willingness to serve, but handing over “free” money would knowingly or unknowingly leave a permanent blot in the attitude of a person. The idea of giving doles seems to be appealing, but in the long run, it can prove to be as disastrous as impairing someone’s potential. Such an act definitely lifts up, but doesn’t hold up as we have encouraged dependence and shunned self growth.
Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. According to Dalai Lama, our prime purpose in life is to help others. Helping each other is what makes us humans special. Compassion and altruism are the basic components of humanness. Even the most hard-hearted person might have helped someone in need at some point of time. Helping others is the fundamental characteristic of humans, but different people do it in different ways. Some tend to donate money to charitable organisations, some people give money to the poor directly, some people volunteer to do social work, while some create work for others. It is important to understand which type of help is most beneficial to humankind. As a Chinese proverb says, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." This essay gives examples of alternative ways of helping people that are more helpful than just donating money.
This principle can be seen in our day-to-day life too. Many of us tend to give money or food to beggars. This doesn't really help them to get out of poverty. In India, begging is quite often carried out in organized gangs. Beggars have also been known to deliberately maim and disfigure themselves to get more money. In these circumstances, real help would be, to provide some source of livelihood to them, rather than giving them money which incentivises them to continue their lifestyle. It would be more compassionate to buy an item from a street hawker, even if we don't require it, to provide him livelihood. Many of us tend to donate money to different welfare organisations, orphanages, old-age homes, NGOs etc. But some of them could be just scams, while some organisations may waste money on managerial duties instead of actually helping the needy. It would be much more useful if we give clothes, blankets, food or time to these organisations depending on the need. Instead of giving money, it would be much more useful if one can lend his/ her expertise to help others. For example, a teacher can provide free tutions for the poor, a doctor can volunteer some time in a week at a free clinic, a lawyer can provide his legal services to the poor and a software engineer can help in decreasing digital divide. In this way, one can ensure that their contribution directly benefits the people in need.
In democratic states, the governments have a tendency to provide a number of freebies, especially during election year. Loans are waived, electricity is subsidized, water is subsidized, free television and laptops are given and so on. But the need of the hour - better governance, timely public services, corruption free state, good public infrastructure, good business environment, reliable law and order etc - are not provided. If there are no irrigation canals, the subsidized fertilizers are of no use to a farmer in drought years. If there are constant power cuts, the subsidized electricity doesn't help the industries in the area. Providing free education without increasing the number of quality teachers doesn't solve the problems of education. Clearly, doling out money instead of providing good governance is not a step in the right direction.
Helping others should be the primary motivation of any human being. The help need not always be in the form of donating money. Rendering a helping hand through offering services or expertise is much more valuable. Moreover, one should recognize the kind of help that is required. Different circumstances require different kinds of help. In the example of Chennai floods, the most appropriate help at that time was to provide shelter and food, which could be arranged at a short notice, thanks to the helping nature of Chennaites. In most circumstances, one should help people help themselves. As Henry Ford has said, "Time and money spent in helping men to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving".